第27章 不同的选择(2 / 2)

问界l 不是你的人 1248 字 3个月前



高幸幸立刻察觉到将军的到来,她迅速从椅子上站起,眼中闪过一丝敬仰与尊崇。她迈开步伐,带着几分谦卑和敬意迎向将军,微微鞠躬后用流利的英语说:“Dear General, I am profoundly grateful for your summons during this critical juncture. The anticipation of contributing to our mission fills me with eagerness. Please, allow me the honor of receiving your mands. With unwavering dedication and utmost respect, I stand ready to serve you and carry out any task to the best of my abilities.”(“尊敬的将军阁下,在这关键时刻承蒙您的召唤,我深感荣幸。渴望为我们的使命贡献力量的心情让我迫不及待。请赐予您的指示,我将以坚定不移的奉献精神和最高的敬意,准备执行任何任务,竭尽我的全力。”)

彼得·威廉姆斯中将脸上露出满意的表情:“The beautiful and charming Miss Gao, first of all, I want to thank you for saving me and all my starship crew members, and thank you for saving this starship - the Prometheus, which is the glory of the empire. After going back, I will definitely apply to the president for your mendation.”(- 美丽动人的高小姐,首先我要感谢您拯救了我以及我的全体星舰成员,感谢您拯救了这艘星舰——普罗米修斯号,它乃是帝国的荣耀。回去以后,我必定向总统申请对您的嘉奖。)
